Used for:
Camp Building - Prefabs
Camp Building - Decorations
Camp Building - Defense Barriers, Fences, and Guard Posts
Camp Building - Floor Decor
Camp Building - Resources and Utilities
Bulk Cement
Razorgrain Flour (to craft S'mores and Yao Guai Pastry)
Weapon - Lead Pipe
Weapon Mod - Sharp Heavy Sledgehammer Mod
Weapon Mod - Heavy Rocket Sledgehammer Mod
Weapon Mod - Heavy Sharp Rocket Sledgehammer Mod
Weapon Mod - Searing Heavy Sharp Rocket Sledgehammer Mod
Weapon Mod - Spiked Rocket Heavy Sledgehammer Mod
Weapon Mod - Spiked Heavy Sledgehammer Mod
Weapon Mod - Heavy Sledgehammer Mod
Weapon Mod - Heavy Lead Pipe Mod
Weapon Mod - Heavy Sheepsquatch Club
Weapon Mod - Heavy Sheepsquatch Staff
Weapon Mod - Puncturing Power Fist Mod
Score Challenge Weekly - Scrap junk to produce concrete
Score Challenge Daily - Scrap junk to produce concrete
Farming Tips and Tricks
Junk items containing concrete and cement are a per server, pick-up history list item.
You can find the guide here if you don't know what any of that means.
No perk cards or magazines affect the yield of concrete and cement. It is unfortunately a one-for-one farm.
Avoid using explosive weapons as the junk items can move. If the junk items move and you can't find them, fast travel out of the cell, the next map icon over is fine and then come back. The cell should have reset and the junk items will return to their spawn locations.
Alternatively, if a junk item is glitched and you can't get close enough to interact with it, use grenades and explosive weapons to move it.
Super Duper does not work when turning junk scraps into bulk.
Use the tag for search option to help find junk that has concrete and cement in it.
Open your pip boy and scroll across to Item and then Junk.
Press RB (right button for Xbox)
Press R3 (right click joystick for PlayStation)
C for PC
This will bring up the component view.
Scroll down and find the junk component you are farming for and then press A to set up the tag for search.
If the junk component that you are looking for is not on the component list in your pip-boy, then you will need to collect a piece of junk that has the component in it and then repeat the above steps.
Junk items
When scrapped, yields Concrete scrap.
Bag of cement
Gives 7 concrete scrap.
See below for all spawn locations.
Blue garden gnome
Gives 3 concrete scrap.
A map of all spawn locations can be found here.
Broken garden gnome
Gives 3 concrete scrap.
A map of all spawn locations can be found here.
Bulk concrete
Gives 15 concrete scrap.
A list of vendors that sell Bulk concrete can be found below.
Red garden gnome
Gives 3 concrete scrap.
A map of all spawn locations can be found here.
Bulk Concrete
Carver Blue Ridge Caravan Vendor - 33.33%
Sunny (General) Foundation Robot Vendor - 7.69%
Raf The Crater NPC Vendor - 7.69%
Whitesprings Train Station Bot Vendor - 7.69%
Watoga Train Station Bot Vendor - 7.69%
Berkeley Springs Station Bot Vendor - 7.69%
BOS Watoga Bot Vendor - 7.69%
Camp Encounter Vendor - 33.33%
Grahm - 7.69%
Xerxo Camp Ally - 7.69%
Camp Merchant - 7.69%
Whitesprings Mall Vendor Bots
Friedrich Whitesprings Mall Robot Vendor - 7.69%
BOS Robot Vendor - 7.69%
Raiders - 100%
Responders - 7.69%
Free States - 7.69%
Responder Bot Vendors - 7.69%
Morgantown Station
Grafton Station
Lewisburg Station
Welch Station
Charleston Station
Charleston Fire Department
Camden Park
Raider Bot Vendors Train Stations - 100%
R&G Station
Pleasant Valley Station
Pleasant Valley Ski Resort
Sunnytop Station
Sutton Station
Breach and Clear
Can be looted from Motherlode and her containers.
Concrete Scrap - 57.57% chance
Bag of Cement - 1.85% chance
Concrete Extractor and Veins
A map of concrete veins can be found here.
Bag of Cement
Junk Piles - 0.37%
Metal Box - 0.94%
Footlocker - 1.39%
Locker - 0.19%
Trunk - 1.27%
Dumpster - 0.09%
Radtoad - 0.15%
Gulper - 0.15%
Concrete Scrap
BOS Collectron - 5.66%
Gold Scavenger Collectron - 5.00%
Silver Scavenger Collectron - 5.00%
Scavenger Collectron - 5.69%
Cement Collector
How to request items from the atom shop guide.
Fixed Spawn Locations
All fixed spawn location guides can be found here:
Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess
I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event, and food buff guides for Fallout 76.
I believe that all knowledge and information should be free, which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.
So, If you found my guides helpful, please consider buying me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.
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