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Where to find the Cryo-Freezer in Fallout 76

Updated: Apr 20

Image Credit: Mette


Military Cryo Freezer

What's cooler than cool? Ice cold! Instantly freeze food and drink items reducing spoilage rates to 0%.



Stops your food and drink from spoiling*

*For the few moments that it takes for your camp to load into a server, the food and drink are not assigned to the Cryo-Freezer so your items will start to spoil. The spoil will stop as soon as your camp has finished loading in.

*If you load into a server and you can not place your camp, the items in the cryo-freezer will go into your stash box and spoil. If you switch camps, make sure that that camp also has a cryo-freezer, otherwise, the food and drink will stay in your stash box and spoil.

Build limit per camp

1 per camp

Build limit per workshop

Cannot be built in workshops.

Shares a build limit with

Nuka-Cola Cryo Freezer

Found under X in the camp build menu



50 items.

It uses your stash box weight, but it can only access your food/drink tab in your stash box.

Obtainable via

Season 14 Scoreboard FOF - Fight for Freedom - Free

Gold Bullion - Mortimer - 1250 Bullion

Produces X amount per




Power Required


Flamingo Units

1x Flamingo Unit


Nuka Cola Cryo Freezer

Image Credit: SugarBombsRADS

Keep your Nuka-Cola ice cold with this Cryo Freezer. It will instantly freeze food and drink items reducing spoilage rates to 0%.



Stops your food and drink from spoiling*

*For the few moments that it takes for your camp to load into a server, the food and drink are not assigned to the Cryo-Freezer so your items will start to spoil. The spoil will stop as soon as your camp has finished loading in.

*If you load into a server and you can not place your camp, the items in the cryo-freezer will go into your stash box and spoil. If you switch camps, make sure that that camp also has a cryo-freezer, otherwise, the food and drink will stay in your stash box and spoil.

Build limit per camp

1 per camp

Build limit per workshop

Cannot be built in workshops.

Shares a build limit with

Military Cryo Freezer

Found under X in the camp build menu



50 items.

It uses your stash box weight, but it can only access your food/drink tab in your stash box.

Obtainable via

Atom Shop - - atoms

Produces X amount per




Power Required


Flamingo Units

1x Flamingo Unit


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Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess


I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event, and food buff guides for Fallout 76.


I believe that all knowledge and information should be free, which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.


So, If you found my guides helpful, please consider buying me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.


All monies go towards the tools for writing my guides and maybe for an actual cup of coffee or 3 ;)


Alternatively, share my guides with your fellow vault dwellers and help them to survive the wasteland.

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