Thanks to Blobby, Gilpo, and Serg from the Data Mining Discord.
You do not have to complete the Wastelanders questline to farm for and turn in Treasury Notes.
Treasury Notes can be converted into Gold Bullion. Gold Bullion can then be used to purchase character-locked, non-tradeable plans from certain vendors.
Currency Limits
Gold Bullion Machines
Turn Treasury Notes into Gold Bullion.
1 Treasury Note = 10 Gold Bullion
Behind the wall, to the right of Samuel.
Inside the Crater Core, near the pool table, to the right of Mortimer.
Whitesprings Mall
Fast Travel to The Whitesprings North Entrance and select Whitesprings Mall. The Gold Bullion machine is opposite Friedrich, in the same area as the player workbenches.
You can purchase Gold Bullion for caps, once a week from Smiley.
Smiley can be found upstairs, at the Wayward Tavern.
Smiley will only sell Gold Bullion once you have completed the Vault 79 questline.
1000 caps - 50 Gold Bullion
2000 caps - 100 Gold Bullion
3000 caps - 150 Gold Bullion
4000 caps - 200 Gold Bullion
5000 caps - 250 Gold Bullion
6000 caps - 300 Gold Bullion
Gold Bullion Vendors
Vault 79
Only accessible once you have completed the Wastelanders Questline.
Inventory List (Scroll down to the bottom.)
Inventory List (Scroll down to the bottom.)
Inside The Crater Core
Whitesprings Resort
Fort Atlas
Use the website below to track where Minerva will be visiting next.
Community Events
Gold Rush
During the Gold Rush event, the daily limit of Gold Bullion is doubled, from 400 to 800.
This means you can turn in 80 Treasury Notes daily instead of the usual 40.
This event is noted on the Community Calendar. An up-to-date calendar can be found here; scroll down to the bottom.
Public Events
1-3 Treasury Notes
(100% chance for 1 Treasury Note, 60% chance for 2 Treasury Notes, and 30% chance for 3 Treasury Notes)
Beasts of Burden
Safe and Sound
2 Treasury Notes
Campfire Tales
Distinguished Guests
Feed the People
Guided Meditation
Jail Break
Riding Shotgun
Swarm of Suitors
Tea Time
The Path to Enlightenment
3 Treasury Notes
Free Range
Heart of the Swamp
Line in the Sand
Most Wanted
Lode Baring
One Violent Night
Seismic Activity
Spin the Wheel
Tunnel of Love
Uranium Fever
4 Treasury Notes
Project Paradise
Radiation Rumble
Scorched Earth
Test Your Metal
4-6 Treasury Notes
Eviction Notice (48% chance for 4 Treasury Notes, 32% chance for 5 Treasury Notes, and 20% chance for 6 Treasury Notes)
Moonshine Jamboree (rewards depend on how many distillers are destroyed and how much venom has been deposited. A perfect event will reward 6 Treasury Notes)
8 Treasury Notes
A Colossal Problem
Mutation Invasion Public Events
Single Mutation Event
Event Treasury Notes PLUS 1 Treasury Note
Double Mutation Event
Event Treasury Notes PLUS 2 Treasury Notes
Seasonal Events
Fasnacht Day - 2 Treasury Notes
Grahm's Meet-Cook (Meat Week) - 3 Treasury Notes
Invaders from Beyond - 2 Treasury Notes
Primal Cuts - 2 Treasury Notes
The Mothman Equinox - 2 Treasury Notes
Daily Ops
10% chance to be rewarded 2 Treasury Notes, regardless of rank achieved.
Double Mutation Daily Ops
10% chance to be rewarded 2 Treasury Notes, regardless of rank achieved.
10% chance to be rewarded 2 Treasury Notes providing you hit Elder Rank.
10% chance to be rewarded 2 Treasury Notes
Pip-Boy Dailys
2x Treasury Notes
Refuge Daily: A Refugee's Guide - 2 Treasury Notes
Refuge Daily: Code Blue - 2 Treasury Notes
Refuge Daily: Mutual Aid - 2 Treasury Notes
Refuge Daily: Recipe for Success - 2 Treasury Notes
3x Treasury Notes
Overseer Daily: Photo Opportunity - 3 Treasury Notes
Raiders Daily: Retirement Plan - 3 Treasury Notes
Raiders Daily: The Importance of Communication - 3 Treasury Notes
Settlers Daily: Vital Equipment - 3 Treasury Notes
The Scoreboard rewards various amounts of Gold Bullion.
Once you have passed rank 100 on the scoreboard, 100 Gold Bullion is one of the repeatable rewards.
Downloadable copy here.
Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess
I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event, and food buff guides for Fallout 76.
I believe that all knowledge and information should be free, which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.
So, If you found my guides helpful, please consider buying me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.
All monies go towards the tools for writing my guides and maybe for an actual cup of coffee or 3 ;)
Alternatively, share my guides with your fellow vault dwellers and help them to survive the wasteland.