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The Pitt - Union Dues (Mission 1) Guide

Updated: Feb 12

With credit to Vicyorus and thanks to Garust.

This guide will have spoilers. I have done my best to limit them but they are still there.

The following information will prepare you for The Pitt Expeditions - Union Dues (mission 1).

You will need a full ultracell battery to start an Expedition.

A full guide to the Refuge Dailys and Expo rewards can be found here.

A full guide to From Ashes to Fire - Mission 2 can be found here.

A full guide of all steel ingot, Union supply crates, battle plan safes can be found here.

Map of the Industrial area can be found here.

Map of the Foundry can be found here.



Expos are set up similarly to how daily ops are set up now. For example, in Daily ops, you might have decryption, freezing robots in the burning mine. In expos, it might be gather and deposit, carry and throw and solve locks or proximity tracker, assassination and solve locks. On top of that, each one of those objectives could spawn in 3 of 5 possible locations.

Because of this random structure to expos, it can be hard to write a detailed guide. Instead, I'm just going to explain what each objective is, what to look for and how to complete it. This way, it doesn't matter where you get thrown into, once you have your bearings, you should be able to just get straight into it.

The missions are not timed per se. There is no clock counting up or down in the corner. However, for some objectives, you will need to get to an NPC or a location before the bar in the top corner goes empty.

Each mission has 3 parts to it, plus three additional objectives. The tasks for part 1, 2 and 3 will change but the additional objectives do not.

Part 1 will be either Assassination, Repel Enemies or Defend NPC

Part 2 will be either Free Prisoners, Proximity Tracker or Solve Locks

Part 3 will be either Gather and Deposit, Carry and Throw or Object Destruction

Additional objectives for Union Dues will always be Steel Ingots, Union Supply Crates and Protect the Survivors.

Keep in mind, that you get better rewards if you do all the additional objectives and for the most part, you walk past them anyway when you are doing the main mission.

How the checkpoints in expeditions work.

There are certain points during expeditions, where if you leave the expo or the world, it will save your progress and allow you to continue the expo on another day or at another time.

This is only if you are the team leader, the game will not save your progress if you are just a team mate.

You must complete a checkpoint for the game to save your progress.

Checkpoint #1

Load into an expo

Checkpoint # 2

Speak to Hex or Danilo

Checkpoint # 3

Complete the first task (part 1). If you do not complete all the objectives for part 1 and you leave the expo then, when you return, it will roll you back to the start of checkpoint #3 and you will have to complete the objectives again.

Checkpoint # 4

Go to the Penn or the Outpost

Checkpoint # 5

Speak to Hex or Danilo

Checkpoint # 6

Enter the Foundry or the Sanctum

Checkpoint # 7

Complete the second task (part 2). If you do not complete all the objectives for part 2 and you leave the expo then, when you return, it will roll you back to the start of checkpoint #7 and you will have to complete the objectives again.

Checkpoint # 8

Complete the third task (part 3). If you do not complete all the objectives for part 3 and you leave the expo then, when you return, it will roll you back to the start of checkpoint #8 and you will have to complete the objectives again.

Checkpoint # 9

Go to the Penn or load through the doorway into the Trenches.

Checkpoint # 10

Protect or rescue the NPCs.

If you leave the expo mid protecting/rescuing the NPCs and the NPC's are still all alive, then it will roll you back to checkpoint #9.

However, in Union Dues (mission 1), if one of the NPC's dies and you leave the expo, then it will checkpoint and class it as a fail. If you fail the protect the NPCs and leave then come back, the objective will change to defend the Penn.

In From Ashes to Fire (mission 2), if one of the NPC's dies and you leave the expo, then it will checkpoint and class it as a fail. If you fail to rescue the NPCs and leave then come back, the objective will change to speak to Danilo.

Checkpoint # 11

Speak to Hex or Danilo

Checkpoint #12

Speak to Lennox

Steel Ingots

If you pick up one steel ingot and then leave the expo, then no matter how many times you leave and come back, its going to be 1/5 BUT the locations for the other 4 will change. If you pick up 2 steel ingots and then leave the expo, then it will be 2/5 when you return etc etc.

Union Supply Crates

This will stay as "Retrieve the Union supplies" on your task list, until you find and open the supply crate. Once you have opened the crate then it will show as "Return the supplies to Wicker", until you return the supplies to Wicker. If you do not collect the suppy crate and leave the expo, then the location may change.


Union Dues (Mission 1)

You will need:

  • Friendly Fire perk card

The last task of the mission requires you to keep three NPCs alive during a Trog attack. If the survivors die then you can only ever achieve tier 2 rewards. We highly recommend as many team mates as possible, to equip this card and use it on the NPCs.

A full list of weapons and mods that work with Friendly Fire can be found here.

  • Fire in the Hole perk card

Rank 1 is more than fine.

For one of the mission objectives, you will need to throw coolant grenades to destroy some vats. These grenades have very poor range and you need to be pretty much standing inside the vat for the grenade to register plus you are not given many platform options to stand on to get a decent angle to throw them.

  • Jetpacks

This is more a quality of life than anything else but it can make things a little easier.

  • Damage Output

While the Trogs aren't too bad, the Fanatics can be pretty tanky, more so the bosses. Pack for combat over quality of life perks and bring lots of ammo.

  • Energy Resis food buffs and or Troubleshooters gear and weapons

Again this one is more of a quality of life. The robots aren't too over powered but there is lots of them and they become annoying over time.

Food buffs such as Glowing Fungus puree, Radscorpion steak and Radstag stew are ideal.

  • Lock Picking perk cards

There is one objective that will require you to pick 3 locks. You can equip the legendary perk card Master Infiltrator or the Picklock perk cards under Perception . A bobby pin or two also wouldn't go amiss here.


Part 1

You will be tasked with either:

Assassination - Eliminate the Fanatic Manhunters that want to destroy Hex.


Repel Enemies - Hex wants to drive the Fanatics out of the nearby train depot to clear the way for an attack on the Foundry. I need to enter the depot and fight the occupying forces until I can safely say it's secured.


Defend NPC - Keep the Union Saboteur alive during Fanatic attacks.

Part 1 explained:

Where Hex spawns, will tell you in advance which one of the below tasks you will be given.


Once you have loaded in, follow the map marker and speak with Hex.

Note, only the team leader can interact with Hex. The option to speak to Hex is greyed out for team mates.

Hex will ask you to assassinate three Fanatic Manhunters that are chasing her.

There are no direct map markers for this task, only area search map markers.

The Manhunter is normally surrounded by other Fanatics and can be identified by their outfit, which is an all black underarmour, full set of covert scout armour and a raider gas mask.

The Fanatic Manhunters will spawn in either the Fanatic Supply Depot, the Shipping Yard or the Industrial area and their locations can change each time.

Follow the area search map markers on your HUD to locate the Manhunters.

Once you get close enough to the Fanatic Manhunter, your HUD will change to "inside objective area".

One of the Manhunters can be found in the NE corner of the shipping yard, inside the building with the white doors. Look for the truck with the large pipe on the back, as you first enter the shipping yard.

In the shipping yard again, upstairs in the building on the corner, next to the truck with the large pipe on the back.

Another Manhunter can spawn in the Fanatic Supply Depot. They can be found in the area to the left of the metal shed, near where you enter the large wooden gates.

Still in the Fanatic Supply Depot, a Manhunter can be found walking between the blue metal office building and the warehouse behind it, in the Northern corner of the area.

A possible spawn location for a Manhunter is opposite one of the Penn entrances. They can be found walking between the roof of the diner and the alleyway behind it.

Once you have found and eliminated all three Fanatic Manhunters, Hex will ask you to go back to the Penn.

Repel Enemies:

Once you have loaded in, follow the map marker and speak with Hex.

Note, only the team leader can interact with Hex. The option to speak to Hex is greyed out for team mates.

Hex will ask you to go to the Depot and place a Union transmitter, (follow the area search map marker on your HUD).

Once you get close enough, the area search map marker will turn into a direct map marker.

Follow the direct map marker to the location and place the transmitter.

You will need to keep the area secure while the transmitter uploads.

The bar will stop moving when there are enemies in the objective area or if you leave the objective area.

Once you have finished securing the area, Hex will ask you to head to the Penn.

Defend NPC

Once you have loaded in, follow the map marker and speak with Hex.

Note, only the team leader can interact with Hex. The option to speak to Hex is greyed out for team mates.

Hex will ask you to meet up with the Union Saboteur near the shipping yard (follow the area search map marker on your HUD).

Once you find and speak to the Union Saboteur, (the password is Sea Lion), he will ask you to protect him from Fanatic attacks while he lays explosives in the nearby Shipping Yard.

Follow the Saboteur to all 4 locations within the shipping yard and kill any Fanatics that try to attack. Watch out for the sneaky turrets hiding on top of the shipping containers.

The Saboteur will take damage from the Fanatics attacks. He can be healed by Friendly Fire, but he will also heal himself between waves, providing there is nothing alive and shooting at him.

There is an option to revive the Saboteur if he is downed. He will stay downed and the mission will not move forward until you revive him.

After the Union Saboteur has finished laying all the explosives, you will get a direct map marker on your HUD suggesting that you move to safety.

After the explosives have been detonated, the Saboteur will thank you and Hex will ask you to return to the Penn for the next part of the mission.


Part 2

You will be tasked with either:

Free Prisoners - The Fanatics are holding Union workers captive inside the Foundry. I need to find their jailor and obtain the key that can free them.


Proximity Tracker - The Union stashed caches of equipment in the Foundry back when they used to control it. Hex gave me a radio signal I can tune into to hunt them down and recover their contents.


Solve Locks - Locate, unlock and collect the Fanatic Battle Plans.

Part 2 will always start the same way, which is meeting Hex at the Penn.

There are a few Penn entrances in the area. They can all be identified by the red sliding doors made from shipping container walls.

Hex can be found upstairs, in her "office". After speaking to Hex, she will assign you your next task.

Once Hex has given you your next task , the team leader needs to speak to Wicker, who can be found in the next room. Wicker will give you the additional objectives that need to be completed.

While both the team leader and team mates can collect the steel ingots and Union supplies, only the team leader can start and turn in the additional objectives. The steel ingots and Union suppliers are automatically added to the team leaders inventory, regardless of who picked them up.

Part 2 explained:

Proximity Tracker

Hex will ask you to collect 2 dead drops in the Foundry.

You will be given an area search marker on your HUD to follow.

Once you enter the Foundry, you will see another area map marker pop up on your HUD.

When you are within the search area, you will see a Signal Strength bar pop up on the top right hand corner of your screen. If you run this game with sound, there will also be a beeping noise that can help you to find the dead drop.

The Signal Strength bar works like the hot and cold game. The closer you are to the dead drop, the fuller the bar will be. The further away from the dead drop you are, the emptier the bar will be.

The beeping noise works in the same fashion, the closer you are to the noise, the closer together the beeps are.

You are looking for a very small reskinned NW briefcase. Some can be found out in the open, on benches and cabinets and others can be found tucked away between poles and pipes.

There are a total of 49 possible spawn locations, in 4 different sections, with only two spawning per active expedition.


There are 12 possible dead drop locations in this area. For example:

At the end of the tunnel, on the cabinet, on your left.

Twin Cauldrons

There are 15 possible dead drop locations in this area. For example:

In one of the blue metal office buildings, opposite the green goo vats, on one of the metal cabinets.

The Belts

There are 10 possible dead drop locations in this area. For example:

Upstairs, in the blue metal office building on the South side of the room, on the metal cabinet.

The Warehouse

There are 12 possible dead drop locations in this area. For example:

On the bottom of a metal shelf, on one of the platforms that overlook the warehouse floor.

To "recover" the dead drop, walk up to the briefcase and interact with it.

Once you have recovered both dead drops, part 3 will start.

Free Prisoners

Hex will send you to the Foundry to find the Fanatic Warden and free the prisoners.

Once you have entered the Foundry, follow the area map marker on your HUD. This location will change each time so just follow the area search map marker until it turns into a direct map marker.

Defeat the Fanatic Warden (anyone else getting strong Ned Kelly vibes?).

Loot the keys from the wardens body. The keys can be collected by both the team leader and team mates.

As soon as someone loots the keys from the body, your HUD will change and 2 direct map markers will pop up.

Follow the direct map markers to the prison cells and unlock the door. The doors can be unlocked by both the team leader and team mates so if you are in a team then you can spilt up and unlock both doors at the same time. Take note of the turrents that sit out the front of both prison cells.

Once you have freed the prisoners, part 3 will start.

Solve Locks

Hex will send you to the Foundry to recover Fanatic plans from 3 locked safes.

There are 10 possible spawn locations, with only three appearing every active expedition.

Possible safe spawn locations:

Train Tunnel - 1 possible spawn location

Chem Lab - 1 possible spawn location

Fire Pit - 1 possible spawn location

Twin Cauldrons - 2 possible spawn locations

The Belts - 1 possible spawn location

Canal - 1 possible spawn location

Warehouse - 3 possible spawn locations

Follow the area search map marker on your HUD until it turns into the "inside objective area" marker.

The map markers for this part of the mission are not the best. You won't get a direct map marker pop up on your HUD until you are 5 feet away from the safe.

Most of the safes can be found in the blue metal office buildings, in each section of the Foundry. However if you don't feel like searching for them, then I have documented each spawn location for you here.

Team leaders and team mates can interect with the safe to unlock it and collect the Fanatic Battle Plans.

These safes can be unlocked in any order, so if you are running in a team, then you may be able to spilt up and complete this part faster.

Follow the map markers on your HUD to location and unlock the last two safes and then part 3 will start.


Part 3

You will be tasked with either:

Gather and Deposit - The Fanatics have set up a chemical weapons lab inside the Foundry. I need to gather Chemical Contaminant from around the lab, Sealing Agent from containers, and Unstable Mixtures from Fanatic Chemists and use them to sabotage the lab.


Carry and Throw - The Fanatics are using the Foundry for chemical weapons testing. Luckily, we can use their own inventions against them. I need to take experimental canisters and throw them into chem vats to sabotage them.


Object Destruction - Locate and destroy the posion gas tanks in 2 sections of the Foundry.

Part 3 explained:

Gather and Deposit

Hex will send you to the Chem Lab to cause some chaos (follow the area search map marker on your HUD).

You will need to collect 6 of each item as listed below. They will only spawn in the Chem Lab.

There are no direct map markers for these items, however they are not particularly hard to find. Most of them are bright yellow and are always found on top of tables or benches or metal shelves or desks.

If you are struggling to find the last one or two spawn locations, don't forget to check the control room in the middle of the room and in the corners of the Lab.

Both team leaders and team mates can collect and deposit these items.

Gather Chemical Contaminant

Total of 15 spawn in the Lab.

Once you have collected the 6 Chemical Contaminants, they will need to be added to the chemical weapons stockpile.

There will be a direct map marker on your HUD showing you the location of the chemical weapons stockpile.

Gather Sealing Agent from containers

Total of 15 spawn in the Lab.

Once you have collected the 6 Sealing Agents, they will need to be added to the distribution station.

There will be a direct map marker on your HUD showing you the location of the distribution station.

Gather Unstable Mixtures from Fanatic Chemists

Total of 20 spawn in the Lab.

The Fanatic Chemists can be identified by their outfits. They are wearing a full black mazmat suit with a green oxygen tank on the back.

Kill them and loot their bodies to find the Unstable Mixtures.

Note: Area looting does work for this part.

Once you have collected the 6 Unstable Mixtures, the team leader will need to add them to the testing vat.

There will be a direct map marker on your HUD showing you the location of the testing vat.

Once you have sabotaged the Chem Lab, Hex will ask you to go back to the Penn to complete the final additional objective.

Carry and Throw

Hex will ask you to locate the Coolant Stockpile in the Canal.

Follow the area search map marker until it turns into a direct map marker.

Once you have located the stockpile, you will be tasked with throwing coolant into the Fanatic's chem vats.

The freezer that holds the coolant canisters will always be in the same place. In the corner, near the incinerator that is being used to dispose of bodies.


The coolant will take over the grenade slot as soon as you pick it up.

Note that your character will become semi frozen and slow moving when you have the coolant in your inventory.

The chem vats are fixed locations. You will be given direct map markers to find them as soon as you collect the coolant.

Chem vats

Throw the coolant like a grenade at the chem vats.

You do have to be close to the vat when you throw it, for it to register.

Take your time to line up your toon before you throw the coolant grenade. If you miss then you will need to go back to freezer and collect another grenade.

Stand on the edge of the vat or any close platforms and use the fire in the hole perk card to line up your throw.

You will need to go from the stockpile to the vats and back 5 times.

Both the team leader and team mates can collect and throw the coolant.

Once you have finished destroying the toxic vats, Hex will ask you to go back to the Penn to complete the final additional objective.

Object Destruction

While still inside the Foundry, Hex will ask you to locate and blow up 5x poison gas tanks in 2 different sections of the Foundry.

There are a total of 35 possible spawn locations, in 3 different sections, with only 6 spawning per active expedition.


There are 11 possible spawn locations here.

Fire Pit

There are 13 possible spawn locations here.

The Belts

There are 11 possible spawn locations here.

The sections change each time so just follow the area search map marker on your HUD, until it turns into the "inside objective area" marker.

If you are running in a team, then you can split up and pick a section each to make this part go faster.

You will be required to find the first four yourself in each section, but for the 5th tank, you are given a direct map marker.

The tanks are fairly easy to find. Most of them can be found on the ground floor, with the odd one or two upstairs on the second levels, on the edge of catwalks and platforms.

To destroy them, just shoot at them.

Once you have destroyed all 10 poison gas tanks, Hex will ask you to go back to the Penn to complete the final additional objective.


Protect the Union Defenders

Once you have completed the tasks for Part 3, Hex will ask you to return to the Penn for the "scheduled" Trog attack.

The moment you walk inside the Penn, the attack will start. You will need to keep all three Union defenders alive during the attack.

You can use Friendly Fire to restore their health. If one of the Union defenders are downed, you have 15 secs to revive them.

If you do not revive them in time, then they will die and you will have failed the objective, which means you will never recieve more than tier 2 rewards.

Defeat the Trog Devourer to end the attack.

Sometimes the Trog Devourer will spawn as a legendary.


The End:

After you have survived the attack, If you are still missing steel ingots and Union supplies, head back to the Foundry to find the Union supply crate. Steel ingots can be found in both the Foundry and the surrounding Industrial areas.

Once you have collected the supplies and the steel ingots, the team leader needs to return to speak to Wicker and turn in the objectives.

After you have completed everything, speak to Hex and then Lennox to go home and claim your rewards.


Additional Objectives:

Collect 5 Steel Ingots

Full spawn location guide can be found here.

Retrieve the Union supplies

Wicker will ask you to collect one stash of Union supplies.

There are 6 possible spawn locations within the Foundry, with only 1 crate spawning per expedition.

These are a little tricker to find, as there is no direct or area search map markers for the Union supplies (crates), until you get within 10 feet of them.

You will find the crate most of the time, by just running the main mission. There will, however be times that you will need to go and actively search for it before you move onto the next part of the mission.

Once you are within 20 feet of the crate, you will hear a beeping noise. For those who played NW, it is the same beeping noise that indicated a large crate was nearby.

As you get closer to the crate, the beeping noise will get louder.

Once you are within 10 feet of the crate, a direct map marker will show on your HUD. To collect the supplies, just interact with the crate.

Spawn locations for the Union supply crates:

Full spawn location guide can be found here.


Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess

I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event and food buff guides for Fallout 76.​

I believe that all knowledge and information should be free which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.

So, If you found my guides useful, please consider buy me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.

All monies go towards the tools for writing my guides and maybe for an actual cup of coffee or 3 ;)

Alternatively, share my guides with your fellow vault dwellers and help them to survive the wasteland.

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