Image Credit: ZeroFoxFK
This guide explains how to obtain a camera for the first time and how to replace it if you've lost your original one.
There are two types of Cameras in the game.
Broken ProSnap Camera
This is a junk item.
Broken ProSnap Deluxe Camera
This is the quest item that can be repaired and utilised in challenges.
These can not be dropped or traded.
Used for
Score and Atom Challenges
Take a camera picture of the Ultracite Abomination
Take a camera picture of the Mothman
Take a camera picture of the Grafton Monster
Take a camera picture of the Flatwoods Monster
Take a Camera Picture of Lieutenant Kappa
Take a Camera Picture of General Zeta
Take a Camera Picture of Captain Omega
Take a Camera Picture of Captain Alpha
Take a Camera Picture of an Eyebot
Take a Camera Picture of an Angler
Take a Camera Picture of an Alpha Mongrel Dog
Take a Camera Picture of an Alpha Deathclaw
Take a Camera Picture of an Alien Invader
Take a Camera Picture of an Alien Enemy
Take a Camera Picture of an Alien Drone
Tadpole and Possum Challenges
Take a camera picture while it's raining
Take a camera picture while it's foggy
Take a camera picture of Top of the World
Take a camera picture of the Charleston Capital Building
Take a camera picture of Mounted Radstag Heads at Appalachian Antiques
Take a camera picture of Mounted Brahmin Heads at Black Bear Lodge
Take a camera picture of Grafton Dam
Take a camera picture of fossils
Take a camera picture of an Opossum
Take a camera picture of an Iron Deposit
Take a camera picture of an Eye Bot
Take a camera picture of an Assaultron
Take a camera picture of an Angler
Take a camera picture of an Aluminum Deposit
Bucket List
You will need the Personal Terminal to start this quest.
Go into the Atom Shop and claim the blue Personal Terminal for free.
Build the terminal in your camp and interact with it.
Select: Automated Alerts/Suspicious Person/Download Coordinates - Suspicious Person
The quest will then pop up on the top right corner of your screen.
Follow the prompts from there to complete the quest line.
To begin the Costa Business questline, make your way to Vinny located at Big Bend Tunnel East. Before diving into Vera's story and exploring the quest involving the Camera, you'll be required to complete a few other quests first.
The first time you run this daily quest, Skippy will ask if you have a Camera in your inventory. If you reply with "I don't have a camera", then Skippy will provide you with a Broken ProSnap Deluxe camera to repair.
Whitespring Refuge Dailys.
Fast Travel to the Whitesprings Refuge and head towards the Common Room, where Sofia and Giuseppe are. As you walk towards the Common Room, you will see a daily pop-up on the top right-hand side of your screen.
If a daily quest doesn't appear, it could be undergoing a cooldown period, or there might be an incomplete daily listed under Data/Daily in your pip-boy.
Camera Shy
No Surprises
Hotel Makeover
Imposter Syndrome
Letters to Home
These dailys require a Camera to complete them. Tell the NPC during the dialogue that you "Don't have a camera" and the NPC will gift you a Broken ProSnap Deluxe camera for you to repair at the Tinker's bench.
If you don't have a camera but have picked up an unrepaired one that's in your inventory, the NPC will comment on it:
You should see if you can repair that one in your inventory... I feel like there's gotta be a way...
Pardon my prying' but someone as resourceful as yourself could refurbish that one in your inventory.
Broken ProSnap Cameras will no longer appear in vendor inventories as of Patch 52.
Toolbox - 14.26%
Tool Chest - 14.26%
Camera Mods
ProSnap Deluxe Standard Lens
Comes standard with the Camera.
ProSnap Deluxe 105mm lens
Rewarded for completing the Questline Bucket List.
Has a 12.5% chance to drop as a reward from the Daily: Photo Opportunity, if you can pass the +8 Intelligence and Charisma check.
ProSnap Deluxe 200mm lens
Has a 12.5% chance to drop as a reward from the Daily: Photo Opportunity, if you can pass the +8 Intelligence and Charisma check.
ProSnap Deluxe night-vision lens
Can be purchased for 5 Possum Badges from the Possum Vending Machines at Camp Adams in the Forest and Pioneer Scout Camp in the Toxic Valley.
Camera Film
The plan to craft Camera Film is automatically unlocked when you obtain a camera.
Camera Film can be crafted on the Tinker's bench.
Camera Film can drop as a reward from the Daily: Photo Opportunity, if you pass the +8 Intelligence and Charisma check.
Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess
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