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Writer's pictureDuchess Flame

The Pitt: All spawn locations for Steel Ingots for mission 1 Union Dues

Updated: Jul 1, 2023

With credit to Vicyorus.

This guide is for The Foundry, a location that you visit during the Union Dues mission.

This guide will cover all sections of the Foundry, spawn locations for steel ingots, the Union supply crates and all the locked safes.

The Foundry itself is split into 7 areas.

  • Tunnel

  • Chem Lab

  • Fire Pit

  • Canal

  • Twin Cauldrons

  • The Belts

  • Warehouse

All are clearly marked with signage. This signage might appear on walls or on the floor.


This is where you spawn in at, after the team leader has interacted with the wooden door outside.

Chem Lab

This area can be identified by all the extra machinary and consoles. It is also the first section you enter, after the tunnel.

Fire Pit

This area can be identified by the six large pipes, pumping hot melted steel into the channel in the middle of the room.


This area can be identified by the channel of hot melted steel running down the middle of the room.

Twin Cauldrons

This area can be identified by the two large vats filled with green goo.

The Belts

This area can be identified by the conveyor belts running through the middle of the room.


This area can be identified by all the shipping containers.

Map of the Foundry sections can be found here.

Location guide for Union supply crates can be found here.

Location guide for Fanatic battle plan locked safes can be found here.

Video of external steel ingots can be found here.


Optional Objective: Steel Ingots

Steel ingots are an optional objective during Expeditions.

Completing this objective will reward you with extra stamps and rewards.

While both the team leader and team mates can collect the steel ingots, only the team leader can hand the ingots back to Wicker.

The ingots will spawn the moment an expo is created which means that you can collect them as you run towards the first objective and before you speak to Wicker.

There are a total of 30 possible spawn locations for the steel ingots:

  • 15 in The Pitt Industrial area

  • 15 in The Foundry

With only 5 spawning in the Industrial area and 5 inside the Foundry during an active expedition.

Steel Ingot locations for the Industrial Area

Due to the lack of landmarks and sections in the Industrial Area, I have created a route that you can run, to check all ingot spawns.

Location #1

In front of the veribird is a large pipe. Stand on top of the pipe and face North. You will see a Save The Pitt billboard with a broken building under it. In front of the broken building is a small metal table. The first steel ingot pile is on the second shelf of the metal table.

Location #2

On the right hand side of the broken building is a small gap/path and at the end of that is a doorway. Enter the doorway and turn left and then left again. The first Steel Ingot pile is at the end of the counter.

Location #3

Exit the doorway of the dinner closest to the booth seats and look West. You will be facing a building. To the left of that building is another building with some mask statues on it and generally where Hex can be found. Head towards that building.

The next pile of Steel Ingots are on top of a wooden crate, out the front of the building.

Location #4

From the wooden crate, face South and walk forward until you get to the main road. Turn West and walk towards the tram on fire. The next steel ingot is in the first car on your right.

Location # 5

Inside the tram that is directly in front of the car at the above mentioned location.

Location #6

Stand on top of the Tram and face North. Follow the road until you get to another tram and then turn and face South. To your left will be a silver and green building and to your right will be a blue/grey truck. Jump on top of the cab of the truck and then jump up again into the platform above it. The steel ingot will be on the platform/roof in front of you.

Location #7

While still on the platform/roof as mentioned above, face East and you should see the green and silver building with the blue ute/pick up truck out the front.

Enter the silver and green building through the door in front of you, as the other door is locked with a level 1 lock. The steel ingot will be on the bottom of the yellow shelving unit towards the back corner of the building.

Location #8

Walk out of the silver and green diner and stand on top of the blue ute/truck out the front. Face East and look for the half buried tram directly in front of you. Walk forward and stand on top of the tram. Face South and you will see a metal ledge. Jump on top of the ledge and turn left. The steel ingot will be at the end of the ledge.

Location # 9

Turn around and go back to the silver and green diner on the corner. Stand on top of the red truck that is out the front of the diner and look NW. You will see a white ute/pick up truck and a red truck trailer on the right of the ute/pick up truck.

The steel ingot is inside the red truck trailer, all the way at the end.

From the tram, turn and face West and follow the road to the end where the red truck is. Turn right and follow the road around North until you get to a caved in tunnel. Turn and face West and walk forward, past the first truck and then past the pallets of metal drums until you get to a red truck and a crane on the right hand side.

Warning: There will be enemies and robots in this area.

Location #10

Jump on top of the red truck and then onto the shipping containers that are on the trailer. Stop at the end of the red shipping container and turn North. You will see a wall of shipping containers in front of you. On top of the orange shipping container on your left, on the far left corner, will be a steel ingot.

Location #11

While standing on the orange shipping container, turn and face North. If you look down, you will see wooden planks connecting some of the shipping containers together. Follow the path until you get to a green shipping container with the end cut off. Stand inside the container and look West. In front of you, on the other side of the road will be another green shipping container. Cross the road, jump up and inside the green container. The steel ingot will be in the right hand corner of the container.

Location #12

While inside the green shipping container, turn and face South. Walk forward until you hit a building. Turn left and walk out onto the main road then turn right and walk all the way to the end until you hit another building. The steel ingots will be at your feet.

Location #13

From the steel ingot above, turn and face East. There will be a yellow and blue machine in front of you and just behind that, on the right is a rusty metal fence. Walk forward and stop at the rusty metal fence.

Turn South and jump up onto the platform. In front of you will be a double door opening. Enter the building, turn East, walk forward and take the first double doorway on your right. In front of you will be a ramp up (South). Follow the ramp up to the top, turn left to enter the small blue building and then turn right. In front of you will be a large metal cabinet and the steel ingots will be on the bottom shelf.

Location #14

From the metal cabinet above, turn around and walk to the nuka cola machine. Face West and walk forward, out on the catwalk/platform. You will see a ramp going down on your left. Walk down the ramp and stop at the bottom.

Turn and face South East and walk forward until you see a grey and a green shipping container on the back of a truck. Jump on top of the containers and look South, there will be a set of stairs in front of you. Walk up the stairs, turn right and keep going forward until you are standing on the black roof. The steel ingots will be in front of you, at your feet.

Location #15

From the steel ingot above, turn and face West. Jump over the barbed wire fence and land on the train track below. Face South and run around, jet pack or jump over the train carriage and then the half height concrete/white wall. In front of you, against the brick building are two green dumpsters, go and stand on top of the dumpsters.

Turn until you are facing SEE, and walk forward, over the stacks of metal drums and up the ramp. At the top of the ramp, face South. You will see a doorway on a small blue metal building and a second doorway beyond that. Enter the small blue metal building and stop at the second doorway.

On your left will be a catwalk, follow the catwalk to the end and the steel ingots will be at your feet.

Steel Ingot locations for the Foundry


2 possible spawn locations

On the top left far corner of the train carriage, as you walk in.

At the end of the train tunnel, in the upstairs blue metal offices.

Chem Lab

3 possible spawn locations

From the tunnel, take your first right and follow the conveyor belt to the end.

In the small room between the Chem Lab and the Canal. On the catwalk in front of the fire.

This one is a little tricky to explain.

From the steel ingot above, take the ramp up on your left and take your first left. Follow the walk way West to the end, until you hit the wall. Turn and face North. You should see a blue fusion generator on your right. The steel ingot is next to the fusion generator, behind the yellow diagnosis machine, tucked against the wall.

Fire Pit

1 possible spawn location

In the blue metal building on the West side of the room, near one of the green goo vats, on the cabinet.


2 possible spawn locations

On the cat walk that goes over the top of the melted steel channel, near the large vat that is at the Southern end of the room.

In the middle of the area, next to the channel of hot melted steel, on a metal shelf, next to a weapons workbench and a chainsaw spawn.

Twin Cauldrons

2 possible spawn locations

Downstairs on a metal shelf, on the South side of the room, next to one of the large green goo vats.

Upstairs, on the catwalk, on the West side of the room, on top of some metal crates.

The Belts

2 possible spawn locations

Upstairs, at the very top, on the roof of the blue metal office building, on the West side of the area.

Upstairs, in the far SE corner of the room, under the ramp, on top of the metal reel.


3 possible spawn locations

Going from The Belts to the Warehouse. Look for the ramp on your right and large metal reels on your left as per the photo. In the small room/walkway connecting the two areas together, on the metal shelf, opposite the white machine.

In the kitchen, on the bench, in the corner.

Inside the grey shipping container that is near the yellow forklift. There is a cut out orange shipping container on top of the grey shipping container.


Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess.

I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event and food buff guides for Fallout 76.

I believe that all knowledge and information should be free which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.


So, If you found my guides useful, please consider buy me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.


All monies go towards the tools for writing my guides and maybe for an actual cup of coffee or 3 ;)

Alternatively, share my guides with your fellow vault dwellers and help them to survive the wasteland.


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