Image Credit:
Each stage of the Raids has unique rewards and loot pools. Below is an outline to help you navigate this guide:
Reward Checklist
Unique Rewards Per Cleared Stage
Legendary Mod Box Drop Rate Breakdown
Vulcan Power Armour Legendary Piece Drop Rate Breakdown
Full Per-Stage Reward Breakdown
Vulcan Power Armour and Mod Guide can be found here.
Rewards for Gleaming Depths Raids
Downloadable & Printable copies can be found here.
Reward Checklist
Note: Once you learn a plan, it will stop dropping. After you have learned all the plans, they will start dropping again from the beginning of the list.
Unique Rewards Per Cleared Stage:
Image Credit: SugarBombsRADS
Stage 1: Guardian Bot
Plan: EN06 Guardian Bot Raid Trophy
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 1
Drop Rate: 100% if conditions are met
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Condition: Stage 1 must be completed with 148 seconds (2 minutes and 28 seconds) or less remaining on the Stage 1 timer.
Stage 1 timer:
Description: Decorative floor trophy for workshops and camps awarded for completing Stage 1 against the Guardian Bot.
Build Limit: 1 per CAMP and 1 per workshop
Flamingo Units: 1
Weapon: Valkyrie
1★ Prefix: Troubleshooter's (Reduces damage taken from robots by 15%)
2★ Major: Rapid (Increases weapon fire rate by 25%)
3★ Minor: Ghost's (Hits have a 10% chance to generate a Stealth Field for 2 seconds)
4★: Bully's (When attacking outside of V.A.T.S., deal +50% bonus weak-point damage)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 1
Drop Rate: 10%
Description: The Valkyrie is a unique Gatling Laser weapon.
Plan: Valkyrie
1★ Prefix: Troubleshooter's (Reduces damage taken from robots by 15%)
2★ Major: Rapid (Increases weapon fire rate by 25%)
3★ Minor: Ghost's (Hits have a 10% chance to generate a Stealth Field for 2 seconds)
4★ Minor: Bully's (When attacking outside of V.A.T.S., deal +50% bonus weak-point damage)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 1
Drop Rate: 5%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Plan to craft the Valkyrie, a unique Gatling Laser weapon.
Stage 2: Drill Complex
Plan: Tunnel Boring Drill Raid Trophy
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 2
Drop Rate: 100% if conditions are met
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Condition: Stage 2 must be completed with 220 seconds (3 minutes and 40 seconds) or less remaining on the Stage 2 timer.
Stage 2 Timer:
Description: Decorative floor trophy for workshops and camps awarded for completing Stage 2 in the Drill Complex.
Build Limit: 1 per CAMP and 1 per workshop
Flamingo Units: 1
Weapon: Drill Fist
1★ Prefix: Anti-Armour (Ignores 50% of the target’s armor)
2★ Major: Crippling (Does 50% more limb damage)
3★ Minor: Strength (+3 Strength)
4★: Combo-Breaker's (When dealing damage, 50% chance to not use AP; 10% chance for auto melee weapons)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 2
Drop Rate: 10%
Description: The Drill Fist is a unique Gauntlet weapon.
Plan: Drill Fist
1★ Prefix: Anti-Armour (Ignores 50% of the target’s armor)
2★ Major: Crippling (Does 50% more limb damage)
3★ Minor: Strength (+3 Strength)
4★: Combo-Breaker's (When dealing damage, 50% chance to not use AP; 10% chance for auto melee weapons)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 2
Drop Rate: 5%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Plan to craft the Drill Fist, a unique Gauntlet weapon.
Plan: Drill Fist Ultracite Bits
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 2
Drop Rate: 5%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Mod for the Drill Fist weapon.
Applies Bleed Damage.
Applies Poison Damage.
Plan: Enclave Epsilon Squad Scout Armor Paint
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 2
Drop Rate: 10%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Paint mod for Forest and Urban Scout Armor featuring the Enclave Epsilon Squad design.
Stage 3: Enclave Squad Epsilon
Plan: Enclave Epsilon Squad Raid Trophy
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 3
Drop Rate: 100% if conditions are met
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Condition: Stage 3 must be completed with 139 seconds (2 minutes and 19 seconds) or less remaining on the Stage 3 timer.
Stage 3 Timer:
Description: Decorative floor trophy for workshops and camps awarded for completing Stage 3 against the Enclave Epsilon Squad.
Build Limit: 1 per CAMP and 1 per Workshop
Flamingo Units: ??
Plan: Enclave Epsilon Squad Combat Armor Paint
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 3
Drop Rate: 10%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Paint mod for Combat Armor featuring the Enclave Epsilon Squad design.
Weapon: Flatliner
1★ Prefix: Assassin's (Does 10% more damage to humans)
2★ Major: VATS Enhanced (Increased VATS hit chance)
3★ Minor: Nimble (+100% faster movement speed while aiming)
4★: Conductor's (Critical hits restore 5% of health and action points for the player and teammates within a 50ft radius)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 3
Drop Rate: 10%
Description: The Flatliner is a unique Gauss Rifle weapon.
Plan: Flatliner
1★ Prefix: Assassin's (Does 10% more damage to humans)
2★ Major: VATS Enhanced (Increased VATS hit chance)
3★ Minor: Nimble (+100% faster movement speed while aiming)
4★: Conductor's (Critical hits restore 5% of health and action points for the player and teammates within a 50ft radius)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 3
Drop Rate: 5%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Plan to craft the Flatliner, a Gauss Rifle weapon.
Weapon: Resolve Breaker
1★ Prefix: Bloodied (Damage increases the lower your health is)
2★ Major: Inertial (Replenish 15 Action Points with each kill)
3★ Minor: Steadfast (+50 Damage Resistance while aiming)
4★: Electrician's (When reloading, emit a shock wave that stuns nearby targets for 3 seconds)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 3
Drop Rate: 10%
Description: The Resolve Breaker is a unique Auto Grenade Launcher (AGL) weapon.
Plan: Resolve Breaker
1★ Prefix: Bloodied (Damage increases the lower your health is)
2★ Major: Inertial (Replenish 15 Action Points with each kill)
3★ Minor: Steadfast (+50 Damage Resistance while aiming)
4★: Electrician's (When reloading, emit a shock wave that stuns nearby targets for 3 seconds)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 3
Drop Rate: 5%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Plan to craft the Resolve Breaker, an Auto Grenade Launcher (AGL) weapon.
Stage 4: Enclave Research Lab
Plan: Ultragenetic Stalker Raid Trophy
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 4
Drop Rate: 100% if conditions are met
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Condition: Stage 4 must be completed with 254 seconds (4 minutes and 14 seconds) or less remaining on the Stage 4 timer.
Stage 4 timer:
Description: Plan to craft a decorative floor trophy for workshops and camps awarded for completing Stage 4.
Build Limit: 1 per CAMP and 1 per workshop
Flamingo Units: ??
Plan: Ultracite Generator
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 4
Drop Rate: 10%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Generates 100 power.
Build Requirements: Requires the Fusion Generator Plan to build in your CAMP.
Flamingo Units: 2
Weapon: Lickety-Split
1★ Prefix: Juggernaut's (Damage increases as health increases, up to +25%)
2★ Major: Crippling (Does 50% more limb damage)
3★ Minor: Resilient (+250 Damage Resistance while reloading)
4★: Fracturer's (When crippling limbs, they explode and deal up to 50 explosion damage to nearby targets)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 4
Drop Rate: 10%
Description: Lickety-Split is a unique Railway Rifle weapon.
Plan: Lickety-Split
1★ Prefix: Juggernaut's (Damage increases as health increases, up to +25%)
2★ Major: Crippling (Does 50% more limb damage)
3★ Minor: Resilient (+250 Damage Resistance while reloading)
4★: Fracturer's (When crippling limbs, they explode and deal up to 50 explosion damage to nearby targets)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 4
Drop Rate: 5%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Plan to craft Lickety-Split, a unique Railway Rifle weapon.
Weapon: Cauterizer
1★ Prefix: Vampire's (Restore health when dealing damage)
2★ Major: Vital (+50% critical damage)
3★ Minor: Lucky (+15 bonus V.A.T.S. critical meter fill rate)
4★: Encircler's (+10% damage for each combat target around you, up to +50%)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 4
Drop Rate: 10%
Description: The Cauterizer is a unique Chainsaw weapon.
Plan: Cauterizer
1★ Prefix: Vampire's (Restore health when dealing damage)
2★ Major: Vital (+50% critical damage)
3★ Minor: Lucky (+15 bonus V.A.T.S. critical meter fill rate)
4★: Encircler's (+10% damage for each combat target around you, up to +50%)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 4
Drop Rate: 5%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Plan to craft the Cauterizer, a unique Chainsaw weapon.
Stage 5: Scorchtongue
Plan: Ultracite Terror Raid Trophy
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 5
Drop Rate: 100% if conditions are met
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Condition: Stage 5 must be completed with 134 seconds (2 minutes and 14 seconds) or less remaining on the Stage 5 timer.
Stage 5 timer:
Description: Plan to craft a decorative floor trophy for workshops and camps awarded for completing Stage 5.
Build Limit: 1 per CAMP and 1 per workshop
Flamingo Units: ??
Plan: Canteen Backpack Mod
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 5
Drop Rate: 10%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Mod for the standard backpack that restores thirst over time.
Effect: Restores ?? thirst over ?? minutes.
Enclave Secret Operative Underarmor
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 5
Drop Rate: 10%
+10 Damage Resistance
+10 Energy Resistance
-10 Action Points (AP)
Uses Enclave Underarmour Mods (Treated, Resistant, Protective, Shielded Lining)
Weapon: Ultracite Terror Sword
1★ Prefix: Anti-Armour (Ignores 50% of target’s armor)
2★ Major: Rapid (40% faster swing speed)
3★ Minor: Defender's (-15% damage taken while blocking)
4★: Viper's (When a combat target is poisoned, deal +50% bonus damage)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 5
Drop Rate: 10%
Description: The Ultracite Terror Sword is a unique melee weapon.
Plan: Ultracite Terror Sword
1★ Prefix: Anti-Armour (Ignores 50% of target’s armor)
2★ Major: Rapid (40% faster swing speed)
3★ Minor: Defender's (-15% damage taken while blocking)
4★: Viper's (When a combat target is poisoned, deal +50% bonus damage)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 5
Drop Rate: 5%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Plan to craft the Ultracite Terror Sword, a unique melee weapon.
Weapon: Boiling Point
1★ Prefix: Furious (+5% Damage per consecutive hit on same target (up to +45%)
2★ Major: Basher's (Bashing damage increased by 50%)
3★ Minor: Swift (15% faster reload)
4★: Pyromaniac's (When a Combat Target is Burning, Deal +50% Bonus Damage)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 5
Drop Rate: 10%
Description: The Boiling Point is a unique Flamer weapon.
Plan: Boiling Point
1★ Prefix: Furious (+5% Damage per consecutive hit on same target (up to +45%)
2★ Major: Basher's (Bashing damage increased by 50%)
3★ Minor: Swift (15% faster reload)
4★: Pyromaniac's (When a Combat Target is Burning, Deal +50% Bonus Damage)
Released: 2024
Drops from: Stage 5
Drop Rate: 5%
Stops Dropping Once Learned
Description: Plan to craft the Boiling Point, a unique Flamer weapon.
Legendary Mod Box Drop Rate Breakdown
Each stage has a chance for one Legendary Mod Box. The game rolls through the listed chances for 4-star, 3-star, 2-star, and 1-star boxes in order. If none of these are selected, a fallback 1★, 2★, or 3★ Murmrgh's Mystery Pick is guaranteed.
Stage | 4-Star Mod Box | 3-Star Mod Box | 2-Star Mod Box | 1-Star Mod Box | Fallback Mystery Pick |
Stage 1 | 10% | 20% | 30% | 40% | or 100% |
Stage 2 | 15% | 25% | 35% | 45% | or 100% |
Stage 3 | 20% | 30% | 40% | 50% | or 100% |
Stage 4 | 25% | 35% | 45% | 55% | or 100% |
Stage 5 | 30% | 40% | 50% | 60% | or 100% |
Vulcan Power Armour Legendary Piece Drop Rate Breakdown
Players have a guaranteed 100% chance to receive one Power Armour piece per stage. Each Vulcan Power Armour part (Helmet, Torso, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg) has an equal 16.67% chance to drop. By the end of the raid, you might have a complete set—or end up with 6 Right Legs.
If no Vulcan Power Armour piece is chosen, you'll get a random non-Vulcan Power Armour piece instead, with a legendary rating of 1★, 2★, or 3★.
Note: Vulcan Helmets cannot have legendary stars.
Piece | Drop Rate |
Vulcan Helmet | 16.67% |
- Fallback Helmet | 30.24% |
Vulcan Torso | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Torso 4★ | 1.67% |
- Vulcan Torso 3★ | 3.00% |
- Vulcan Torso 2★ | 3.60% |
- Vulcan Torso 1★ | 3.36% |
- Fallback Torso | 30.24% |
Vulcan Left Arm | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Arm 4★ | 1.67% |
- Vulcan Left Arm 3★ | 3.00% |
- Vulcan Left Arm 2★ | 3.60% |
- Vulcan Left Arm 1★ | 3.36% |
- Fallback Left Arm | 30.24% |
Vulcan Right Arm | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Right Arm 4★ | 1.67% |
- Vulcan Right Arm 3★ | 3.00% |
- Vulcan Right Arm 2★ | 3.60% |
- Vulcan Right Arm 1★ | 3.36% |
- Fallback Right Arm | 30.24% |
Vulcan Left Leg | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Leg 4★ | 1.67% |
- Vulcan Left Leg 3★ | 3.00% |
- Vulcan Left Leg 2★ | 3.60% |
- Vulcan Left Leg 1★ | 3.36% |
- Fallback Left Leg | 30.24% |
Vulcan Right Leg | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Right Leg 4★ | 1.67% |
- Vulcan Right Leg 3★ | 3.00% |
- Vulcan Right Leg 2★ | 3.60% |
- Vulcan Right Leg 1★ | 3.36% |
- Fallback Right Leg | 30.24% |
Full Per-Stage Reward Breakdown
Stage 1: Guardian Bot Rewards
Item/Reward | Quantity | Drop Rate |
Caps (Base) | 100 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Chems | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Basic Chems | 4 | 100% |
- Rare Chems | 4 | 50% |
Components* | 20 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Contextual Ammo (All Types)* | 150 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Flux* | 2 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Raw Flux | 2 | 100% |
- Stable Flux | 2 | 100% |
Legendary Mod Boxes | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- 4-Star Mod Box | 10% | N/A |
- 3-Star Mod Box | 20% | N/A |
- 2-Star Mod Box | 30% | N/A |
- 1-Star Mod Box | 40% | N/A |
- Fallback Mystery Pick | or 100% | N/A |
Mystery Bobblehead Box | 1 | 20% |
Mystery Magazine Package | 1 | 20% |
Plan: EN06 Guardian Bot Raid Trophy* | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Rads | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Rad-X | 5 | 100% |
- RadAway | 5 | 100% |
Resources | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Treasury Notes | 1 | 100% |
- Legendary Modules | 2 | 100% |
- Scrap Kits | 1 | 80% |
- Legendary Scrip | 25 | 100% |
Serums* | 5 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Stimpaks | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Stimpaks | 10 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Super Stimpaks | 5 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Utility | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Basic Repair Kit | 1 | 100% |
- Improved Repair Kit | 1 | 100% |
Valkyrie Weapon or Plan | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Plan: Valkyrie | 1 | 5% |
- Valkyrie Gatling Laser | 1 | 10% |
- Fallback Ranged Weapon | 1 | 85% |
Vulcan Power Armour Pieces* | 1 | N/A |
- Vulcan Helmet | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Torso | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Arm | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Right Arm | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Leg | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Right Leg | N/A | 16.67% |
Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plan* | 1 | 10.00% |
- Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plan | 1 | 0.30% |
Vulcan Power Armour Plan | 1 | 5% |
- Vulcan Helmet Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Torso Plan | N/A | 1% |
- Vulcan Left Arm Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Right Arm Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Left Leg Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Right Leg Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
XP (Base) | 5,000 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Stage 2: Drill Complex Rewards
Item/Reward | Quantity | Drop Rate |
Caps (Base) | 125 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Chems | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Basic Chems | 4 | 100% |
- Rare Chems | 4 | 50% |
Components* | 20 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Contextual Ammo (All Types)* | 150 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Flux* | 2 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Raw Flux | 2 | 100% |
- Stable Flux | 2 | 100% |
Legendary Mod Boxes | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- 4-Star Mod Box | 15% | N/A |
- 3-Star Mod Box | 25% | N/A |
- 2-Star Mod Box | 35% | N/A |
- 1-Star Mod Box | 45% | N/A |
- Fallback Mystery Pick | or 100% | N/A |
Mystery Bobblehead Box | 1 | 20% |
Mystery Magazine Package | 1 | 20% |
Plan: Tunnel Boring Drill Raid Trophy* | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Rads | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Rad-X | 5 | 100% |
- RadAway | 5 | 100% |
Resources | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Treasury Notes | 1 | 100% |
- Legendary Modules | 2 | 100% |
- Scrap Kits | 1 | 80% |
- Legendary Scrip | 25 | 100% |
Serums* | 5 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Stimpaks | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Stimpaks | 10 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Super Stimpaks | 5 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Utility | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Basic Repair Kit | 1 | 100% |
- Improved Repair Kit | 1 | 100% |
Drill Fist Weapon or Plan | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Plan: Drill Fist | 1 | 5% |
- Drill Fist | 1 | 10% |
Plan: Drill Fist Ultracite Bits* | 1 | 5% |
Plan: Enclave Epsilon Squad Scout Armor Paint* | 1 | 10.00% |
Vulcan Power Armour Pieces* | 1 | N/A |
- Vulcan Helmet | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Torso | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Arm | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Right Arm | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Leg | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Right Leg | N/A | 16.67% |
Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plan* | 1 | 10% |
- Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plan | 1 | 0.30% |
Vulcan Power Armour Plan | 1 | 5% |
- Vulcan Helmet Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Torso Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Left Arm Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Right Arm Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Left Leg Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Right Leg Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
XP (Base) | 15,000 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Stage 3: Enclave Squad Epsilon Rewards
Item/Reward | Quantity | Drop Rate |
Caps (Base) | 150 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Chems | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Basic Chems | 4 | 100% |
- Rare Chems | 4 | 50% |
Components* | 20 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Contextual Ammo (All Types)* | 150 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Flux* | 2 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Raw Flux | 2 | 100% |
- Stable Flux | 2 | 100% |
Legendary Mod Boxes | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- 4-Star Mod Box | 20% | N/A |
- 3-Star Mod Box | 30% | N/A |
- 2-Star Mod Box | 40% | N/A |
- 1-Star Mod Box | 50% | N/A |
- Fallback Mystery Pick | or 100% | N/A |
Mystery Bobblehead Box | 1 | 20% |
Mystery Magazine Package | 1 | 20% |
Plan: Enclave Epsilon Squad Raid Trophy* | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Plan: Enclave Epsilon Squad Combat Armor Paint* | 1 | 10% |
Rads | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Rad-X | 5 | 100% |
- RadAway | 5 | 100% |
Resources | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Treasury Notes | 1 | 100% |
- Legendary Modules | 2 | 100% |
- Scrap Kits | 1 | 80% |
- Legendary Scrip | 25 | 100% |
Serums* | 5 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Stimpaks | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Stimpaks | 10 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Super Stimpaks | 5 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Utility | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Basic Repair Kit | 1 | 100% |
- Improved Repair Kit | 1 | 100% |
StrikeBreaker Weapon or Plan | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Plan: Flatliner (StrikeBreaker)** | 1 | 5% |
- StrikeBreaker (Gauss Rifle) | 1 | 10% |
Resolve Breaker Weapon or Plan | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Plan: Resolve Breaker** | 1 | 5% |
- Resolve Breaker (AGL) | 1 | 10.00% |
Vulcan Power Armour Pieces* | 1 | N/A |
- Vulcan Helmet | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Torso | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Arm | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Right Arm | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Leg | N/A | 17% |
- Vulcan Right Leg | N/A | 16.67% |
Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plan* | 1 | 10% |
- Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plan | 1 | 0.30% |
Vulcan Power Armour Plan | 1 | 5.00% |
- Vulcan Helmet Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Torso Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Left Arm Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Right Arm Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Left Leg Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Right Leg Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
XP (Base) | 20,000 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Stage 4: Enclave Research Lab Rewards
Item/Reward | Quantity | Drop Rate |
Caps (Base) | 175 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Chems | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Basic Chems | 4 | 100% |
- Rare Chems | 4 | 50% |
Components* | 20 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Contextual Ammo (All Types)* | 150 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Flux* | 2 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Raw Flux | 2 | 100% |
- Stable Flux | 2 | 100% |
Legendary Mod Boxes | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- 4-Star Mod Box | 25% | N/A |
- 3-Star Mod Box | 35% | N/A |
- 2-Star Mod Box | 45% | N/A |
- 1-Star Mod Box | 55% | N/A |
- Fallback Mystery Pick | or 100% | N/A |
Mystery Bobblehead Box | 1 | 20% |
Mystery Magazine Package | 1 | 20% |
Plan: Ultragenetic Stalker Raid Trophy* | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Plan: Ultracite Generator* | 1 | 10% |
Rads | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Rad-X | 5 | 100% |
- RadAway | 5 | 100% |
Resources | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Treasury Notes | 1 | 100% |
- Legendary Modules | 2 | 100% |
- Scrap Kits | 1 | 80% |
- Legendary Scrip | 25 | 100% |
Serums* | 5 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Stimpaks | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Stimpaks | 10 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Super Stimpaks | 5 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Utility | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Basic Repair Kit | 1 | 100% |
- Improved Repair Kit | 1 | 100% |
Lickety-Split Weapon or Plan | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Plan: Lickety-Split | 1 | 5% |
- Lickety-Split (Railway Rifle) | 1 | 10% |
Cauterizer Weapon or Plan | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Plan: Cauterizer | 1 | 5% |
- Cauterizer (Chainsaw) | 1 | 10.00% |
Vulcan Power Armour Pieces* | 1 | N/A |
- Vulcan Helmet | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Torso | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Arm | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Right Arm | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Leg | N/A | 17% |
- Vulcan Right Leg | N/A | 16.67% |
Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plan* | 1 | 10% |
- Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plan | 1 | 0.30% |
Vulcan Power Armour Plan | 1 | 5.00% |
- Vulcan Helmet Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Torso Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Left Arm Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Right Arm Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Left Leg Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Right Leg Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
XP (Base) | 25,000 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Stage 5: Scorchtongue Rewards
Item/Reward | Quantity | Drop Rate |
Caps (Base) | 200 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Chems | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Basic Chems | 4 | 100% |
- Rare Chems | 4 | 50% |
Components* | 20 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Contextual Ammo (All Types)* | 150 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Flux* | 2 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Raw Flux | 2 | 100% |
- Stable Flux | 2 | 100% |
Legendary Mod Boxes | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- 4-Star Mod Box | 30% | N/A |
- 3-Star Mod Box | 40% | N/A |
- 2-Star Mod Box | 50% | N/A |
- 1-Star Mod Box | 60% | N/A |
- Fallback Mystery Pick | or 100% | N/A |
Mystery Bobblehead Box | 1 | 20% |
Mystery Magazine Package | 1 | 20% |
Plan: Ultracite Terror Raid Trophy* | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Plan: Canteen Backpack Mod* | 1 | 10% |
Enclave Secret Operative Underarmor | 1 | 10% |
Rads | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Rad-X | 5 | 100% |
- RadAway | 5 | 100% |
Resources | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Treasury Notes | 1 | 100% |
- Legendary Modules | 2 | 100% |
- Scrap Kits | 1 | 80% |
- Legendary Scrip | 25 | 100% |
Serums* | 5 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Stimpaks | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Stimpaks | 10 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Super Stimpaks | 5 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Utility | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Basic Repair Kit | 1 | 100% |
- Improved Repair Kit | 1 | 100% |
Ultracite Terror Sword Weapon or Plan | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Plan: Ultracite Terror Sword | 1 | 5% |
- Ultracite Terror Sword | 1 | 10% |
Boiling Point Weapon or Plan | 1 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
- Plan: Boiling Point | 1 | 5.00% |
- Boiling Point (Flamer) | 1 | 10% |
Vulcan Power Armour Pieces* | 1 | N/A |
- Vulcan Helmet | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Torso | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Left Arm | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Right Arm | N/A | 17% |
- Vulcan Left Leg | N/A | 16.67% |
- Vulcan Right Leg | N/A | 17% |
Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plan* | 1 | 10.00% |
- Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plan | 1 | 0.30% |
Vulcan Power Armour Plan | 1 | 5.00% |
- Vulcan Helmet Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Torso Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Left Arm Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Right Arm Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Left Leg Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
- Vulcan Right Leg Plan | N/A | 0.83% |
XP (Base) | 30,000 | 100% (Guaranteed) |
Stage 1: 100
Stage 2: 125
Stage 3: 150
Stage 4: 175
Stage 5: 200
Berry Mentats
Grape Mentats
Orange Mentats
Ballistic Fiber
Black Titanium
Fiber Optics
Nuclear Material
Contextual Ammo
Includes Standard & Ultracite:
.50 Cal
Crossbow Bolt
Fusion Cell
Fusion Core
Plasma Cartridge
Plasma Core
Railway Spikes
Shotgun Shell
Standard Only:
.50 Caliber Ball
40mm (AGL)
Alien Blaster
Cannon Ball
Cryo Cell
Flamer Fuel
Gamma Cell
Mini Nuke
Raw Cobalt
Raw Crimson
Raw Fluorescent
Raw Violet
Raw Yellowcake
Stable Cobalt
Stable Crimson
Stable Fluorescent
Stable Violet
Stable Yellowcake
Legendary Mod Box
4* Legendary Mod Box
3* Legendary Mod Box
2* Legendary Mod Box
1* Legendary Mod Box
Mystery Bobblehead Box
Same Mystery Box that is on the Scoreboard
Mystery Magazine Package
Same Mystery Package that is on the Scoreboard
Legendary Modules
Legendary Scrip
Scrap Kits
Treasury Notes
Adrenal Reaction
Bird Bones
Eagle Eyes
Egg Head
Electrically Charged
Healing Factor
Herd Mentality
Plague Walker
Scaly Skin
Speed Demon
Twisted Muscles
Unstable Isotope
Basic Repair Kit
Improved Repair Kit
Vulcan Power Armour Pieces
Vulcan Chest Piece
Vulcan Helmet
Vulcan Left Arm
Vulcan Left Leg
Vulcan Right Arm
Vulcan Right Leg
Vulcan Power Armour Plans
Plan: Vulcan Helmet
Plan: Vulcan Left Arm
Plan: Vulcan Left Leg
Plan: Vulcan Right Arm
Plan: Vulcan Right Leg
Plan: Vulcan Torso
Vulcan Power Armour Mod Plans
Plan: Vulcan Blood Cleanser
Plan: Vulcan Calibrated Shocks
Plan: Vulcan Cooling Vent
Plan: Vulcan Core Assembly
Plan: Vulcan Elastic Servos
Plan: Vulcan Emergency Protocols
Plan: Vulcan Gimbal Bracers
Plan: Vulcan Headlamp Blue
Plan: Vulcan Headlamp Bright
Plan: Vulcan Headlamp Purple
Plan: Vulcan Headlamp Red Tactical
Plan: Vulcan Headlamp Vault Boy
Plan: Vulcan Hydraulic Bracers
Plan: Vulcan Internal Database
Plan: Vulcan Jet Pack
Plan: Vulcan Kinetic Dynamo
Plan: Vulcan Kinetic Servos
Plan: Vulcan Medic Pump
Plan: Vulcan Motion-Assist Servos
Plan: Vulcan Optimized Bracers
Plan: Vulcan Optimized Servos
Plan: Vulcan Overdrive Servos
Plan: Vulcan Reactive Plates
Plan: Vulcan Recon Sensors
Plan: Vulcan Reflection Assembly
Plan: Vulcan Rusty Knuckles
Plan: Vulcan Sensor Array
Plan: Vulcan Stealth Boy
Plan: Vulcan Targeting HUD
Plan: Vulcan Tesla Bracers
Plan: Vulcan Tesla Coils
Plan: Vulcan Ultracite Bracers
Plan: Vulcan VATS Matrix Overlay
Stage 1: 5,000
Stage 2: 15,000
Stage 3: 20,000
Stage 4: 25,000
Stage 5: 30,000
Hey there, I'm Kat, also known as Duchess!
I'm an Aussie data miner who creates guides for farming, events, and food buffs in Fallout 76.
I firmly believe that knowledge should be accessible to everyone, so my guides will always be free. However, maintaining a website and using photo and video editing software can be costly.
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Essential info!